Fun in JESUS Name

Most of you thinking how this image and the title are related to each other? This is a warning picture for the people those are reading this. Modern days I can see so many videos, pictures and posts mocking Christianity and churches. I was bit annoyed by seeing those posts. But as you know instead of feeling angry about those people. It is time for us to post-mortem this issue by ourselves.
Once upon a time in mid-80's when people (other faith people) see Christians/Pastors, they had some sort of respect in their heart. With that due respect they wished them. But currently people seeing Christians as religion conversion machine. All those respects are gone. What goes wrong here?

In India, most of the missionaries and Christians showed Christ though their life. They lived like Christ. They invested/lose whatever they had for the sack of Christ. They loved all race and kind of people. They built free hospitals/schools/charities/public services. They worked for the people. They spend most of their time for the social welfare. They fought for freedom, fought against caste system, racism and slavery. That made a huge impact in the society through their life. They didn't even think about their family, their wealth, status, money or health. People saw Christ in them and they respected them.

What is happening now? Please see the following few videos.
Doing Adultery in the Altar:

I saw one more video in the internet, a full gospel church rural part of Southampton, Virginia has a rule that everyone in the church has to come naked. I don’t wanna attach that video, but you can see it in YouTube. Not only that, prayer/miracle oil which heals people instantly (again it is fake). Speaking in tongues (it is not coming out of holiness) as fun, laughing spirit, vomiting spirit, visiling spirit, dancing spirit and pushing spirit. And so on,.

I truly believe in the spirit of the Lord. Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the mighty majestic power of Christ. But I never allow anybody to make fun of my lord’s name. Galatians 6:7 says God does not allow anybody to mock at his name. If a non-Christian sees all the above videos, what will he think about Christians? Isn't it wrong?
And moreover, because of this the name of the Lord will put down. If a person back slide because of that. then there will be a greater punishment (Mark 9:42). Again through your action, if somebody mock at the Holy Spirit that will never been forgiven (Matt 12:32). So never ever make the Holy Spirit sad (Ephesians 4:30).

All the teachings of God is towards Love, but in John 2:12-22, why God got so hustle and violent? Because church is the place God expects to be more holy (Which supposed to be a holiness factory). But when he saw church as a commercial/robbers place he was not able to tolerate that. Now you can correlate the current church situation. It is all become commercial. Everybody from lower-end believer to the church pastor wants to make money using Gods name. Isn’t it the same situation God faced? Now if God comes today surely the punishment will be awaiting for those kind of people.

Now let us discuss about the current situation, unless church turns back to the Lord and start showing that same “Christ’s Love” on people, we cannot see a revival. We can shout until out throat torn, but surely revival will not come. Start involve yourself with the society. Make a better change in the society then the same respect we got earlier will automatically come. Christ's name will be lifted up. Final conclusion is never use the name of the Lord for “fun”. If you do so, there is a greater reward waiting for you in the hell.

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  1. It's one hundred percent to true that now every church is there for only making money and they are preaching only for money, I really sad about the current situation of CHRISTIANITY!

    1. Current churches are mostly teaching what pleasing their views. In earlier days, Paul condemned this kind of teaching and behaviors. Let's pray that God will bring a change in our society.
